How to enable the program to autostart, or vice versa, remove from startup CentOS? View a list of startup can be with the command: # / Sbin / chkconfig –list 7 displays performance levels, which are designated by numbers from 0 to 6. Level 0 – stop system (halt) – the system must be stopped; […]
How to boot into single user mode (Single Mode) in Linux CentOS
In this article you will learn how to boot into single user mode (Single Mode) on Linux as an example CentOS. This can be useful for system recovery. It is also used to reset the password for root or any other user. 1. Look at the name of the kernel on your system: # Uname […]
Yum package manager to CentOS. Syntax, configuration, management.
Yellow dog Updater, Modified (YUM) – open the console manager of RPM-packages. YUM is designed for the following tasks: – Find packages in the repositories; – Installation of packages from the repositories; – Installing packages from .rpm files with a resolution of dependencies using the repository; – System update; – Remove unwanted software. To find […]
Monitoring load Linux server using a utility atop
Atop – Advanced Performance Monitor for Linux and FreeBSD. In fact – this is an analogue built-in utility top, but with more features. Enables you to monitor CPU usage, memory, disk, network, etc. Installing atop for Centos: # Yum install atop Run the program: # Atop You can change the appearance using hotkeys. The most […]
Report generation Squid log analyzer using Sarg
Sarg по умолчанию генерирует отчет за весь период ведения статистики. Можно ограничить данный период днём или месяцем или периодом времени. Сгенерировать отчет за весь день определенной даты: # sarg -d dd/mm/yyyy За определенный период: # sarg -d dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy За сегодня: # sarg -d day-1 За последнюю неделю: # sarg -d week-1 За месяц: # sarg […]
How to open the Active Directory Schema in Windows Server 2012 R2
To open the Active Directory Schema snap-in in Windows Server 2012 R2, you must register the dll using PowerShell: regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll Now, typing in koncoli mmc, add the usual way snap Active Directory Schema.
Error Client child command [/ usr / lib / heartbeat / pingd] is not executable when you install heartbeat on CentOS
When you first start HeartBeat on CentOS 6.5 may encounter an error type of heartbeat [1304]: 2014/06 / 02_13: 26: 48 ERROR: Client child command [/ usr / lib / heartbeat / pingd] is not executable. If you look, it is likely this path generally do not have any demons in general. To solve this […]
Frequently used commands in Linux
How to set the date or time to Linux: Syntax: date, where MM – month, DD – day, hh – hours, mm – minutes, YYYY – year, ss – seconds. # Date 101215442012.00 (October 12, 2012. 15:44:00) How to import a public key repository manually: # Rpm –import PUBKEY … How to make the […]
How to install the patch / update Esxi 5
This article describes how to install patches to ESXi 5.x for the host from the command line using the esxcli. So, to install the patch from the command line (ssh) for esxi 5.x, do the following steps: 1. Download the patch from the official site. 2. Uploading Download the patch (zip file or vib) to […]
Testing web-server or site utility Siege
Siege utility allows you to perform multi-threaded load testing web-servers via HTTP methods GET and POST. With this tool, you can simulate concurrent requests to the web server (website) for a predetermined time intervals and without. Following the results of the test results are displayed on the screen. Install the siege will not be difficult […]